Kumari Palany & Co

GST impact - Grinder price may be up by Rs.1000

Posted on: 24/Jun/2017 3:59:13 PM
A brief on the press report issued by the President of the Coimbatore Wet Grinders and Spares Manufacturers Association:

Coimbatore remains as the largest manufacturing centre for wet grinders. Presently, the VAT (Value Added Tax) for the grinders is only 5%. However, under GST, the tax has gone up steeply to 28%.

So, the price of the wet grinder will go up by Rs. 1000.

This steep rise will severely affect the small and micro industry entrepreneurs. Moreover, grinders are used by the common public for the preparation of their daily intake items such as Idli and Dosa.

Hence, this is an appeal to reduce the GST on grinders immediately in order to protect the grinder manufacturing industry.