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Some light exercises to reduce neck and back pains

Posted on: 09/Oct/2017 4:24:11 PM
The spine is the main control point for all our body movements and functions. The 33 bones spine is a combination of 33 independent bones. In the centre of these bones, there is a cushion-like gelatinous formation made of fibre tissues. This always has a certain level of moisture content. This gelatinous formation has the property to bear the shocks/vibrations caused by the backbones. This also helps prevent any friction among these bones. When this gelatinous format wears out, the friction and collision of the backbones will lead to severe pains. This complaint is known as spondylitis. There is no medicine for curing this. The disc will be removed and a fresh one will be transplanted. However, there is no need to allow this complaint to grow into such serious proportions. Doing some regular exercises and Asanas can prevent this.

People who use pillows with more height, people who use higher counters while cooking in the kitchen, and those who stretch their hands to pick some items from the lofts are all likely to be affected with a backache.

If the monitor is not kept at the eye-level while using computers, or while reading books lying down, may also lead to the prospects of being affected by neck/back pains.

The pregnant women face the prospect of back pain from the 4th month onwards of the pregnancy. Even the breastfeeding mothers who do not keep the proper position while breastfeeding the infant are likely to get back pain.

People with neck/back pain complaints should 1st consult the doctor and have a scan of the backbone taken to identify the exact location of the pain. Then, it is advisable to consult any Yoga expert and learn a few asanas related to this complaint. However, for the pains related to the neck and back, stretching exercises (of the hands and legs) are much strongly recommended.


Pose: 1- Lie flat in a balanced position. Keep legs apart. Keep the hands apart as well. Breathe slow and deep 9-15 times. Father this keep your legs and hands close. Close eyes and breathe deep and slow. While inhaling, fold the right leg. While exhaling, unfold the leg. Do this 3 times.

Pose: 2 – Then, while inhaling, fold the right leg slowly and patiently. While exhaling (as shown in the picture), the kneecap should touch the floor while stretching the leg flat. Keep in this position for 30 seconds and keep the knee joint straight. Repeat this exercise for the left leg as well. Do this for 3-5 times.

Pose: 3 – While inhaling, fold both the legs. While exhaling, keep the legs fully stretched. When doing this while suffering from back pain, one may feel a reduction of the back pain in 5-10 minutes. Do this exercise daily. There are 20 similar exercises to get relief from back pain.


Don’t drive the scooter in high speed and vibrations especially on the unkempt roads with ups and downs. O not jog or do tasks which require bending. Do not lift heavy items. Do not use pillows of more height. Do not take bath in extremely cold or hot waters. If you work on the computer, do not sit for long stretches. Take a walk every 2 hours for 5 minutes before returning to your seat.

For neck pain, move the neck slowly from right to left and then left to right. Then, move the neck up and down slowly for a few times.

These exercises above are extremely useful for relief from neck/back pains.

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