The Pest Control Service :Established in the year 2010 Pest Control Services – member of Pest control consortium – offers specialized pest control services, products and equipment with a dedicated team of qualified young professionals. A team of 10 in the inception now it has a combined experience of more than 100 years.
Starting with a modest beginning we have been able to achieve a phenomenal progress over the years. This has been achieved by an effective feedback system leading to corrective measures.
At PCS we provide solutions to all types of buildings. I.T companies, manufacturing units, warehouses, small office spaces, apartments, individual houses, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, etc.
Our major differentiator in services are free assessment, deploying experienced personnel, effective technology usage and post treatment customer service. We do not just offer solutions to our customers, we educate them to avoid pests from a long term perspective.
Our Mosquito Control Services:
Vectors of many tropical diseases: Mosquito
- In temperate climate they are more a nuisance than as a vector.
- About 3000 species of mosquitoes are known of which about 100 species are vectors of human diseases.
- Fat people are often more attractive to mosquitoes because they are larger targets and they produce more mosquito attractants, namely CO2 and lactic acid. So also active or fidgety people.
- Dark clothing has been shown to attract some species of mosquitoes more than lighter colour clothing.
- Movement increased mosquito biting up to 50%.
- Full moon increased mosquito activity 500%.
- Only female mosquitoes are blood-feeding and therefore bites a man.
We offer services to avoid mosquitoes, use of residual spraying to prevent mosquitoes from frequenting houses and use of larvicides for controlling the larvae of mosquitoes. In a larger area like a form house we undertake to kill adults by fogging.
Thus our motto is We create Awareness
For more details contact:
#268, 1st Floor,
Valluvarkottam High Road,
Chennai 600 034.
Tel : 044-4552 5005 / 91767 07295 / 99401 35356.