Aadhar has been made mandatory for availing the various welfare schemes from the government. The central government has made it mandatory for linking Aadhar with the mobile number and the bank savings accounts.
Subsequently, in the next phase of making Aadhar mandatory, payments made to the internet service companies and a few other services, the transactions will now require Aadhar data.
In the initial phase of the current drive, Aadhar cards will be mandatory for Zoomcar (Bengaluru Cab Hire Services) and the customers who book will have to furnish it.Bookings without Aadhar cards will not be done.
Presently, the leading online trader Amazon also has been asking the customers for furnishing Aadhar details.In case the customer refuses, Amazon has sought to get the other personal details.
In a similar drive, the mobile wallet company Paytm has also made Aadhar cards mandatory for using its services.
The leading rental cab service companies, Uber and Ola have also asked the customers to furnish Aadhar details.