Kumari Palany & Co

Dispute of cauvery shortages the local finance

Posted on: 19/Dec/2012 1:11:33 PM
Because of the major dispute among Karnataka and Tamilnadu the major problem will soon occurs in the Tamilnadu regions which is a fairly good quality rice now costs Rs 40-42 a kilo. Soon this will touch price of Rs 100”, said A.M. Vikkrama Raja, president, federation of Tamil Nadu traders’ associations. 

 “Since we are un­a­ble to source our requ­irements within Tamil Na­du, we (traders) have alre­ady begun buying our stoc­ks from the northern states like U.P., Chattisgarh, West Bengal, Punjab and Rajast­han, besides Andhra Prad­esh. Needless to say prices will go up steeply” which is trader’s fear and which is the current econimical status of Tamilnadu.

The Cauvery monitoring committee had ordered Karnataka to release 12 tmc ft of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu before the end of December. The Supreme Court confirmed that order. Karnataka has so far given 7.5 tmc ft and is reducing the daily releases. “This is the most critical phase of Samba (short-term crop) cultivation, when the paddy plant coming up would need continuous supply of water. This is not happening. An agrarian disaster is stalking the country. An farmer said that they are been suffering like this for the last 40 years. At least now, the Centre must take action against Karnataka”

From last 2 months record 6 farmers gave committed suicide who couldn’t able bare the consequenses of refusal of cauvery river from Karnataka state.even though human refusal is common but the northeast monsoon failing lead to one million farmers in the Cauvery delta are facing disaster as the Mettur levels are fast sinking.