The states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala witness good rainfall activity during the Pre-Monsoon season. These rains occur due to the trough which extends across the interior Peninsular India region along with presence of a cyclonic circulation, if at all one happens to form around these states.
These rainfall activities have been attributed to the cyclonic circulation which is over Comorin and its adjoining areas. Along with this, a trough is extending from this system across Kerala and Tamil Nadu which has further added to the rains.
As per weathermen at Skymet Weather, light to moderate rainfall is expected to continue over the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. These showers will occur mostly during the late afternoon hours, which is a Pre Monsoon characteristic.
Cities of Coonoor, Udhagamandalam, Coimbatore, Dindigul, Malappuram, Palghat, Kannur, Kasargod, Kochi, Kozhikode are expected to witness some rainfall activity during the next 24 to 48 hours.