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These are the various side effects of consuming excess of pistachios

Posted on: 31/Jul/2018 9:47:08 AM
Pistachios belong to cashew family and the seeds from this tree are consumed as foods are known. This small tree is mostly found in Central Asia and Middle East. The presence of many minerals, vitamins plus, essential fatty acids in these pistachios make it superb for our health.

When pistachios are consumed they could provide us many health benefits like superb heart health, preventing macular degeneration, helping in digestion etc. When these pistachios are consumed in excess it could lead to many side effects also.

Some of the side effects are

Heavy stomach:

This is one side effect that would take place when excess pistachios are consumed by us. Pistachios have high calorific value and would lead to bloating. Finally we would feel lethargic etc.

Risk of being infected with harmful bacteria:

It is known that Salmonella is a harmful bacteria present in pistachios and by consuming pistachios in excess the risk of getting affected with this bacteria is more. In infants as well as in elder persons could lead to issues like temperature increase, diarrhoea etc due to less powerful immunity.

Weight increase in us:

Superb and easy to consume these pistachios are eaten by many. Excess consumption of pistachios could increase the body weight. It is said that one cup of pistachios has got 700 calories.

High fibre content:

Pistachios have high fibre content and that could create issues like irritable bowel syndrome, stomach cramps etc.

Could result in high BP:

Excess consumption of pistachios could lead to high BP because of the sodium content in roasted pistachios. This increases the BP, risk of cardiovascular diseases etc.

Risk of kidney stones:

Calcium oxalate is one of the main components of crystalline kidney stones in us. The presence of oxalates and methionine in pistachios is responsible in this calcium oxalate formation. In the healthy adults the intake of excess pistachios could lead into kidney stones.

Excess manganese:

It is well known that manganese is important for proper functioning of our body. When present in excess amounts this manganese creates issues in us. Pregnant mothers plus lactating women must be careful. The excessive intake of pistachios could lead to issues like headaches, hallucinations plus others issues like leg cramps, neurological conditions etc.

Results in gastrointestinal issues:

This is also true when excess of pistachios are consumed by us. It is worthy to mention that Fructan is present in pistachios and this fructan causes allergy to many. Many gastrointestinal issues like constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain etc takes place.  

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