Kumari Palany & Co

Commotion created in railway station by devotees

Posted on: 12/Feb/2013 12:44:33 PM
A group of Satya Sai Baba devotees created a commotion in Central Railway Station on Saturday when the 20-coach train they had booked for Puttaparthi was missing one coach.

The devotees were appalled that only 19 coaches pulled up at the platform and refused to board the train till authorities attached one more. The train finally left after being delayed for 4 hours.

‘Railway staff tried to convince some pilgrims to board other coaches as the entire train was hired. But they refused to board other compartments as the group had several senior citizens. They complained to the station authorities. Such chartered trips are booked in advance so that railways will have time to arrange coaches on time. There must have been some miscommunication between the corporation that booked the trip and the railway`s department that handles coaches’, said a railway official.