Kumari Palany & Co

Follow these tips for sexual hygiene and have a healthy sexual life

Posted on: 22/Sep/2018 9:57:57 AM
Sexual activity is an important activity of a human being. It is essential that one must maintain good sexual hygiene for a superb and healthy sexual life. People do not give much importance to sexual health and they get many diseases or issues in them. Few health problems that arise due to poor sexual health are STD, UTI or urinary tract infections, irritations in the genitals, fungal infections in the genitals etc.

Few sexual hygiene tips that must be followed by us for our sexual life to be healthy are

Urinate before and after sexual activity:

This is one important way by which we could maintain our sexual hygiene. It is important that we must urinate before and after the intercourse and this would help us to naturally cleanse any bacteria that would come close to urethra during sex. This would also prevent our kidneys getting infected.

Cleaning ourselves well:

Cleaning ourselves with tissue paper, soft cloth, clean towel etc after sexual activity would help us to stay clean and fresh. By cleaning ourselves we dispose any chance of getting infections after sex.

Wear clean and fresh undergarments:

It is important that we must wear clean and fresh undergarments. This would prevent bacteria from breeding and infecting other person during the sexual activity.

Drink water:

Many of us know that by drinking water we could stay hydrated.  Not many would associate drinking water with sexual health. The fact is by drinking water we would be able to urinate more. By this urination after and before the sexual activity we could get rid of the bacteria etc and prevent any infection.

Washing our hands well:

By washing our hands well we would be able to get rid of the bacteria got by touching other person genitals etc. So washing our hands well with soap and water is essential for good sexual health.