On 11th January 2019, an exclusive recruitment rally is set to be conducted at 17 JAK RIF, Pallavaram, Army Camp, Chennai. Here, new candidates from all over Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Puducherry, Telangana, and Andaman and Nicobar islands all of which belong to aegis of the Headquarters Recruiting Zone of Chennai shall be recruited. The recruitment is for Junior Commissioned Officer and Havildar (also called Surveyor Automated Cartographer).
For this, applications can be sent online at
www.joinindianarmy.nic.in. Applications can be sent between 5th October and 3rd November.
After 17th November, the admit cards shall be issued. This admit card shall contain details of the date of reporting. A print of this admit card has to be obtained as a printed copy after November 17. This can be done online from the aforesaid website. To note, this is a fully automated recruitment drive.