The confederation of oil companies have decided to subside LPG supply to those families living in the same house. Unaware of this initiative, residents in Perumbur protested outside the LPG outlet.
Under the ‘Know Your Consumer’ (KYC) scheme, oil companies have blacklisted those who have multiple connections and belong to the same family. However, this has affected separate families that live in the same door number.
Says one consumer, ‘They mistook us for a single family holding multiple gas connection holders, but we have no other option but to mention the door number of our house owners. This is ridiculous. The oil companies have prepared a database of consumers getting multiple supplies at the same address and directed us to stop supply for such ghost connections. It will be converted suo moto into non subsidised connections. We were unaware of KYC till coming here. The dealers should be instructed to alert those blacklisted so that delay in supply doesn’t affect them.’