Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palanisamy inaugurated the functioning of a new App, called ‘Uzhavan’, primarily for the use of the farmers/agriculturists to register for hiring farming equipment at lower renal charges.
The App Uzhavan is already functioning for details regarding 12 items including subsidies on agriculture, crop insurance, etc.
Now, the facility for the farmers to hire farming equipment at lower rents has been added as a new feature as a joint effort the Tractor and Farm Equipments Limited, JFarm, and the farmers.
It has been informed that both the parties interested in renting farm equipment and those who want to hire them can benefit using this App.
Further, those who cannot use this App can call the toll-free telephone number 1800 420 0100.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister E. Palanisamy also inaugurated through a video conferencing the women’s hostel costing Rs. 8.05 Crores for the working women at the Nerupperichal village located in Tirupur District.