Kumari Palany & Co

Army enrolment camp

Posted on: 02/Jul/2019 2:03:37 PM
An army enrolment camp is scheduled to be conducted in Erode in August.

An announcement has been released by the Army recruitment Headquarters through the Army recruitment Office in Coimbatore to conduct an army enrolment camp.

This army enrolment camp is scheduled to be organised in Erode V OC sports grounds during the last week of August.

Interested candidates from the districts of Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode, Namakkal, Nilgiri, Tirupur, Krishnagiri, Madurai, Theni, and Salem may participate in this Army Enrolment Camp.

The youth selected during this enrolment, the camp will be appointed for the posts of Soldier (Technical), Soldier (AmmunitionsAviation - Soldier technical - amm/av), Soldier Nursing Attendant, Soldier General Duty, Soldier Clerk/Storekeeper, and Soldier Tradesman.

The recruitment is to be on direct interview basis. Interested candidates may apply online. They can attend the interview later with the admission card released on the internet. The candidates need to bring all the required documents/certificates.

The admission card released on the internet will carry the details of the date of interview, etc.

The interview sessions are scheduled to be conducted at the Erode V O C Sports grounds. The admission cards can be obtained from 9th August.

The candidates will be selected based on the performance in document/certificate verification, physical fitness examination, and physical measurements. In the final stage, the medical examination is also scheduled.

Candidates who have passed 8th, 10th and 10th Standards can attend this interview. The candidates must belong to the age group 17.5-23.

Eligible and interested candidates may apply online. The registration of applications is scheduled to commence on 8th July.

The last date for applying is 7th August.

For applying and further information, please visit the website : 