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How to safely trim baby nails?

Posted on: 27/Jul/2019 9:54:41 AM
Are you a new parent looking for the best method to trim your baby’s nails? Of course, you do not want even a ting of harm done to those cottony fingertips. Here we have the best ways to get the trimming done on your baby.

When can you trim?
Generally, there are two times when you can trim your baby’s nails.
  • The right time to trim your baby’s nails is during his/her sleep
  • After bath time when the nails are softer than usual

Note that you need proper lighting when you sit for nail trimming for your baby.

Baby scissors : there are exclusively available baby scissors that act soft and gentle on the baby’s tender skin as compared to regular scissors or nail cutters used on adults. These scissors are tailor-made for those tiny fingers.

How to trim baby’s nails?
In order to avoid any kind of nicking of skin, make sure to have the finger pad set away from the baby’s body. While performing the process, you need to hold the baby’s fingers tight. It is better that two people are involved in clipping the nails as one can hold the baby’s body and hands firmly and the other can gently hold the fingers and do the clipping.

  • The clipping should be done along the curvy edge of the finger.
  • In case of toenails, there should be a straight cut.
  • Finally, make use of the emery board to smooth the roughened edges.

What do the doctors say?
According to doctors, during the first few weeks of the baby’s life, the fingers, nails and fingertips are extra soft. Hence there is very high chance for the parents to clip the baby’s skin along with nails. Hence, it is advisable that they use only the emery board and not clipper in the initial days.

Can this be done when the baby is awake?
That totally depends on your baby. If your baby is cooperative and calm and allows you perform the manicure when she is awake, well and good. Nevertheless, you want someone holding the baby’s hands firmly and do the trimming as baby will tend to wiggle. If not, do some distraction by singing or talking or showing some attractive toys throughout the period of clipping nails and filling.

A few parents wish to get their baby’s nails well in shape. But this may turn into a reason for introducing germs in the mouth as you may accidentally hurt the cuticles.

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