It has been announced on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Adi Dravida Hosuing Development Corporation Limited (TAHDCO) that the students belonging to Adi Dravida Community and studying graduation courses will be extended education loan up to Rs. 10 Lakhs.
It has been announced on behalf of TAHDCO that educational loans would be offered for Adi Dravida students right from graduation course to Research-oriented studies.
Loans up to Rs. 10 Lakhs will be extended for pursuing education within India. Loans up to Rs. 20 Lakhs will be extended for the pursuit of studies in foreign countries. An interest rate of 4.5% will be collected for this.
Circulars have been sent to all colleges on behalf of TAHDCO regarding this.
Interested students can get further details by visiting the TAHDCO office or in their respective colleges.