The Police Department has announced that 8 places in the Chennai Metro City affected by the coronavirus spread are declared as controlled areas. Th Police has announced 8 places – Puliyanthoppu, Ennore, Tondiarpet, Netaji Nagar, Muthiyalpet, Pudhuppettai, Purasawalkam, Saidapet, and Velacherry.
The police, throughout the country are strictly monitoring the imposition of 144.
In spite of this, uner the stringent montitoring of the police, some citizens move around in 20wheelers or cars and moving on the roads.
In order to prevent in this raging coronavirus from spreading further, the police have now started stringent against these offenders: they confiscate the vehicles and also book a case on them.
The police are also keeping a strict vigil for the public not to venture out of the house.
As the 1st phase of this more stringent action, the latest hi-tech surveillance camera has been installed in Chennai Pudhuppettai to monitor the public movement and keeping the public thus aware of the gravity of the situation. This inauguration of the surveillance camera was launched by the Chennai South Region Additional Commissioner Anand Sinha.
In this situation, the public movement has been observed to be much more in the 8 Chennai Metro City areas of Puliyanthoppu, Ennore, Tondiarpet, Netaji Nagar, Muthiyalpet, Pudhuppettai, Purasawalkam, Saidapet, and Velacherry.
As it is not at all advisable for the public to move int =the areas where the fear of corona infection is rather high, the Greater Chennai Corporation has insisted that the Police MUST monitor these areas with ultra-vigl!