In the state of Tamil Nadu, the threat of Coronavirus has been increasing every day. At this point of time, the TN government would soon take a decision on whether to hold semester examinations for the students pursuing higher education.
For several lakhs of students studying engineering, polytechnics, arts and sciences colleges in TN the final semester examinations for the academic year 2019-20 are still pending. It was later mentioned by a Higher Education Department based senior official that at present the authorities are holding a series of discussions whether to conduct exams or to cancel it in the view of an increase in the number of Coronavirus cases in TN especially in the city of Chennai.
He then spoke about how many colleges lack adequate IT infrastructure to conduct online exams. Truth is hiring or engaging private IT organisations would not work well as the examinations must be conducted simultaneously by all the institutions.
It would not be possible to uniformly adopt online examinations at this point of time because of the factors like the availability of infrastructure at the level of the colleges and internet accessibility of the students especially in the remote areas in TN.
Conducting the examinations in the traditional way is the only possible way now. Information is the government is not interested in taking the risk of conducting exams now as it might result in the spread of the Coronavirus infection. There were also some discussions about cancelling the semester examinations for the students just similar to the cancelling of class 10 public examinations in TN.
It has been warned by the medical experts that the pandemic would be at peak till October 2020. It is now revealed that a detailed report would be submitted to the government and the government would soon take a decision in this regard.