Kumari Palany & Co

Corona rage is due to poor body resistance to illnesses! Face mask use is vital!

Posted on: 27/Jun/2020 4:03:47 PM
Quite alarmingly, the number of persons affected with coronavirus, the pandemic is increasing in large quantum each passing day! Though 3 months have passed since the 1st Phase imposition of lockdown condition, officials are struggling to contain and check the spread which poses a severe challenge!

Out of the 15 zones under the jurisdiction of the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC), the number of corona-infected persons has crossed 1000 in 13 zones!

In this situation, after conducting an inspection in the Tondiarpet Medical Camp, the Tamil Nadu State Government Secretary for health, Radhakrishnan had a session with the press and shared:
  • “32000 corona tests are being conducted daily in the Chennai Metro City.
  • Presently, house-to-house visits are made to check/detect the presence of corona-infected persons. In case the corona-infected patients suffer from another complaint, suitable treatment is given fort eh as well.
  • Corona`s complaint is similar to complaints such as cold and fever. So, please do not keep out anyone!
  • Wearing a face mask and frequent washing of hands is vitally essential!
  • Wearing face masks and keeping social distancing definitely help to prevent the coronavirus pandemic spread.
  • It is noted that with the extended cooperation from the public, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic has reduced in some places!
  • People need not panic noting that large numbers of persons getting affected!
  • Q974 hutment areas have been identified in the Chennai Metro City and anti-spread activities are being implemented more thoroughly.
  • One should not be driven to the extreme alarm that being infected with coronavirus will end in death! So far, 56% f the affected have recovered!
  • In order to prevent coronavirus infection, it is very essential to take food items that enhance the body`s resistance to sickness!
  • One of the main reasons for the coronavirus spread is low body resistance among the majority of people to illnesses!
The health Secretary observed 2-minutes of silence condoning the death of the cinematographer Velmurugan of a private television channel.