Kumari Palany & Co

Shocking news!! Rabies in Tamil Nadu is terrifying many now!!

Posted on: 16/Sep/2022 9:46:06 AM
Stray dog menace is a huge issue now not only in the neighbouring Kerala state but also across the state of Tamil Nadu!!

In the last 8 months from January till August 18 deaths due to rabies have been reported in Tamil Nadu. This has now sent shivers down the spine.

It was highlighted by a senior officer belonging to DPH that many are not aware about the seriousness of rabies and its deadly nature. He threw light on how many people do not take anti-rabies vaccine even after getting bitten by dogs. According to a medical officer in a government hospital in Chennai it was clear that even pet dogs in the houses could be the carrier for rabies infection.

It is true that there is no treatment for rabies and taking a full course of anti-rabies vaccine is a must after a dog bite or else he or she would die. Rabies is 99.9percent deadly and death causing.

Now in TN, there are enough stocks of anti-rabies vaccines available in all government hospitals in POHCs and taluk hospitals etc.

In Chennai, there are 3 animal birth control centres or ABC present in places like Pulinthope, Lloyd`s Colony and Kannamapettai operating in association with the Blue Cross of India. These centres are being maintained by GCC. Many dog lovers were of the view that the attack on stray dogs has become more in the recent past.

According to a resident belonging to Choolai in Chennai, the corporation authorities have totally failed to control the stray dog menace in Chennai. He then shed light on how many stray dogs were spotted on the roads of Vepery and Choolai. He concluded that the animal control birth programme was not implemented effectively in Chennai.

An animal activist named M. Balakrishan expressed his thoughts and spoke about how the public have got the right to feed the street or community dogs. He added that while exercising the right to feed dogs enough care must be taken to make sure that it does not affect the rights of others or create nuisance/harm, harassment etc to others.