Kumari Palany & Co

Experiencing frequent and forceful bowel movements, then you might have high cholesterol which can be dangerous !!

Posted on: 28/Dec/2022 5:48:57 PM
The presence of excess fatty molecules in the blood would lead to high cholesterol levels in us.

On the arterial walls, the fatty molecules would get deposited and this would make the passageways to become narrower. This would then lead to disrupted blood flow. It is important to note that any artery could get affected including these arteries leading to bowels also. When the arteries become narrower then the blood supply to the spleen, liver and intestines would  become less.

We could get affected with PAD or intestinal peripheral arterial disease when there is  a blockage in the blood vessel that supplies blood to the intestines. Clogging of an artery due to high cholesterol levels could hinder blood flow to the bowel. This would be shown by urghent and bloody bowel movements. It must be noted that the frequent and forceful bowel movements could also be a sign of high cholesterol levels. There are also other frequent indicators like frequent vomiting, abnormal drop in BP, high white blood cell count etc.

Arterial clogging in lower back:
It is learnt that the first part of the body that would sustain arterial clogging from plaque is lower back. It is essential to get diagnosed as soon as possible and take treatment and this would prevent any further damage.

Prevention of high cholesterol:
It would be possible for us to avoid many complicated health issues by preventing high cholesterol. This could be achieved by following a healthy lifestyle. It is important to eat healthy foods and do exercises regularly. By these, we could have a disease free body. Another important way is to totally avoid smoking and this would prevent arterial blockages and other health issues associated with that.

Is high cholesterol issue inheritable:
It is true that high cholesterol levels in us could be from our parents or in other words it is inheritable or transmitted from one generation to another. Mostly, high cholesterol levels in us are due to unhealthy lifestyle choices such as consuming fatty foods, not doing exercises etc. It is essential that we must consult a doctor to get a proper treatment plan.