Kumari Palany & Co

Biohacking that we can adopt in our homes to optimise our overall health & wellbeing!!

Posted on: 28/Oct/2024 9:25:10 AM

By making small deliberate changes in our lifestyles, it would be possible to take care of our health at home. This is encouraged by bio hacking which is a growing trend. It is noteworthy that the core principle behind biohacking is to improve physical as well as mental performance by making important decisions about food, exercise, sleep etc. There are many who think that biohacking at homes requires cutting edge technology and expensive gadgets etc. This is not true. Bio hacking could be carried out with the help of simple and science based methods also.

Various simple and easy ways to optimise our overall health and wellbeing at homes are

By embracing intermittent fasting:

Our metabolic health could be impacted by intermittent fasting that is one of the most accessible forms of biohacking. Point is that we would be able to give our body time to repair, burn fat and regulate insulin levels when we limit our eating window to 8 to 10 hours. It is believed that intermittent fasting would improve our digestion plus help in weight loss and improve our mental clarity etc.

By getting natural sunlight exposure:

When we are exposed to sunlight in the morning, then our circadian rhythm would get regulated plus mood would get better, vitamin D production would get boosted etc. We would have good bone health and superb immunity also.

By optimising sleep environment:

For mental as well as physical recovery to be good, it is necessary to sleep well. Our sleep could become better by making some simple changes to the sleep environment.  To help the body reach a deep sleep stage, the bedroom must be adjusted to cool dark and distractions free place.

By cold exposure:

Our blood circulation would get improved plus inflammation could get lowered and mood could get boosted by exposure to cold showers or ice baths etc. it is believed that cold therapy could activate brown fat or a kind of fat tissue that would help in burning calories..

By doing mindfulness meditation:

It is true that by doing mindfulness meditation we would be able to overcome stress plus improve focus and enhance emotional resilience etc. Truth is that doing mindfulness meditation could bio-hack our brain for better mental health.

By adding adaptogens to diet:

There are some natural substances that can help our body to adapt to stress and promote balance etc and these are termed as adaptogens. Famous adaptogens such as ashwagandha, ginseng etc could lower stress and improve focus etc.

By prioritising proteins intake:

Our weight management and muscle growth would get better by increasing protein intake. It is known that proteins play a role in muscle repair, immunity and satiety etc. Sources of proteins are legumes, tofu, eggs and lean meats etc.

By means of grounding techniques:


By making direct contact with earth surface or grounding, we could improve our overall health and well being. Truth is that walking barefoot on grass or sand etc would improve our mood, reduce inflammation etc.