Applications were invited by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for the posts of librarian and assistant librarian. This notification for the 29 vacancies was issued on 25.06.12. The re-test written examination was held on 1st and 2nd August 2015. Certificate verification was held on 09.05.2016, 10.05.2016 and 30.08.2016. 64 candidates were tentatively called for the interview. Out of these candidates 2 were called for certificate verification on 4th October. Only eligible candidates will be admitted for the interview. Certificate verification and interview will be held on 04.10.2016 and 05.10.2016.
Call letters to the eligible candidates for interview and certificate verification have been sent by speed post. The call letters have also been uploaded in the Commission website
Candidates can also download the call letters from the website. The candidates have also been notified through SMSs. The candidates should attend the interview at the specified date and time. Another chance will not be given to the candidates.