Kumari Palany & Co

Good prospects of heat intensity coming down today (9th March)

Posted on: 09/Mar/2019 11:35:22 AM
A temperature of over 100 Degrees has been recorded yesterday (8th March) in 8 cities in Tamil Nadu. A maximum temperature of 106 Degrees was recorded at Madurai Airport.

It has been a scorching and an excruciating summer heat over the last 3 days in Tamil Nadu. Day-before-yesterday (7th March), a maximum temperature of over 100 Degrees has been recorded in 10 cities! A maximum temperature of 106 Degrees was recorded at Madurai after a gap of 23 years.

Due to the scorching heat, the public was put to great hardship finding it impossible to go outside! Most public carried umbrellas and drinking water while venturing to go out! A temperature of over 100 Degrees was recorded in many cities!

The Chennai Meteorological officials explained regarding this:

‘There was a considerable reduction in the high humid winds blowing from the east, So, the dry and hot winds blowing from the west got stronger. This led to a higher temperature in most cities in Tamil Nadu. However, since yesterday (Friday, 8th March), the humid winds from the east have started blowing. Hence, there was a considerable reduction in heat intensity. There are prospects of the temperature going down further today (Saturday, 9th March).`

As recorded at 5.00 PM yesterday (8th March), a maximum temperature in Degrees was 106 at Madurai Airport. Karur Paramathi – 104, Palayamkottai and Trichy – 103, Salem -102, Dharmapuri, Vellore, and Tiruthani – 101.