Kumari Palany & Co

Tips to Handle Morning Sickness in Pregnancy

Posted on: 22/Aug/2014 11:06:42 AM

If you have been an expectant mom, you will start encountering morning sickness around your first trimester. Some of the signs pregnant women go through include loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, anxiety, depression and so on.

All this happen because of blood pressure instability, high levels of hormones, and changes in carbohydrate metabolism. Most of the women during their first trimester have to undergo this phase which may upshot in dehydration, weight loss and for a while hospitalization should be mandatory.

Generally, the severe stages of the morning sickness have been termed as ‘hyperemesis gravidarum’.

Morning Sickness & Pregnancy:

In most of the pregnant women morning sickness happens during the fourth week of pregnancy and it settles automatically during the 12th to 14th week. But around 1 in 5 women have to suffer morning sickness even during their second trimester. Also, many women endure nausea and vomiting for the whole duration of their pregnancy.

Not all circumstances of morning sickness are unsafe except when a pregnant woman has to suffer weight loss and dehydration, which need instant medical attention.

Nevertheless in order to tackle morning sickness, take on the following tips:

In morning: Don’t exhaust too much time on bed, but slowly get out of bed when you start your day. You should also follow a hoard of crackers or dry cereal by the side of your bed, so that your stomach stay filled when you wake up.

In day time:  You should consume small meals all through the day so as to shun your stomach to stay empty and this will aid you not feeling avid. Furthermore, don’t procure up too much food at a single time, so that your stomach gets over loaded. It is better to intake any fluid drinks half an hour before or after a meal. Avert taking fluid along with your meals. Make sure you should grab fluids all through the day to dodge dehydration.

You should also acquire appropriate rest and steer clear of taking a sleep after your meal, if you do soso, it could ground nausea. In addition pass up foods or tangs which augment nausea.

In evening: Stay away from spicy and greasy food during dinner time. You should groom things which don’t have a sturdy odor and at all cost elude cooking during the first trimester.

Besides, make it a crux to go to bed as early as possible. This will present you further energy to get up early, if you come about to wake up in the halfway of night eat a little from your bedside pile.

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