Kumari Palany & Co

Some health benefits of bay leaves which we might know

Posted on: 04/Sep/2019 5:32:14 PM
It is known that bay leaves are often given as gifts for the artists. The important point is the bay leaves have superb aroma and are used for cooking also. They could be used as whole or dried and ground.

It must be noted that bay leaves have many constituents like essential oils, terpenes, eucalyptol, alpha and beta pinenes, linallol etc in them. The antibacterial plus anti-inflammatory properties of bay leaves make it superb in the medical field plus in the beauty industry.

Various health benefits of bay leaves are

Diabetes and cholesterol are controlled:

It is believed that by consuming bay leaves the sugar levels of a person could be brought down. These leaves have high antioxidant rate and because of this the insulin production is kept in control. It is superb to note that bad cholesterol levels are also kept in check by these bay leaves.

Anxiety gets lowered:

Many suffer from anxiety these days and because of the anxiety both the person as well his family gets affected. Bay leaves have caffeic acids and rutin in them and these could make the heart perform better. Anxiety is lowered.

Immunity is boosted:

This is also one important health advantage which we could get from bay leaves. The presence of vitamin C in bay leaves makes the immune system very strong. Issues like IBS and celiac diseases are treated well by the bay leaves intake.

Anti cancer properties:

It is superb to note that bay leaves have anti cancer properties in them. The presence of  phyto nutrients, catechins plus others like linaool, parthenolide etc protects our body from the effects of cancer causing free radicals. It is well known that free radicals could convert healthy cells to cancerous cells and bay leaves might prevent this from taking place.

Reduces respiratory conditions:

It must be noted that essential oil extracted from bay leaves could be mixed into salve and applied to chest. By this, many respiratory issues could be lowered effectively. The phlegm inside us could be loosened and dangerous bacteria in our respiratory tracts could be removed by inhaling the vapours. Here the antibacterial property of bay leaves plays an important role.

Dandruff is eliminated:

It is said that the chemicals and volatile ingredients present in the bay y leaves could remove dry skin as well as dandruff on the scalp. In the first step, our hairs present on head are shampooed and then bay leaves are mixed in cold water and rinsed.