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Why is the intake of rose apple or java apple necessary for us?

Posted on: 16/Mar/2021 9:36:24 AM
How many of us know what a rose apple or java apple is?

Rose apples belong to the family Myrtaceae and are found growing in south-east Asia mostly. These rose apples have been used in Indian traditional medicine is well known to us. They are small sized, bell shaped and they are found in various colours dark red, green, purple, yellow-gold etc. The rose apples are also available in states like Kerala and Karnataka etc.

There are many nutrients present in the rose apples or java apples and these are protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and zinc. Vitamins that are found in rose apples are vitamin A, C, B3 etc.

Various health benefits that we could get by eating rose apples or java apples are

Good for immunity:
The presence of gallic acid plus myricetin, ursolic acid etc in rose apples increases the antioxidant properties. By inhibiting inflammatory cytokines, these compounds would boost our immunity.

Prevents constipation:
It has got high fibre content and this would add bulk to the stools. Stools get passed out easily. Issues like constipation and abdominal bloating get removed easily.

Good for eye health:
Sore eyes could be treated by the decoction that is obtained from leaves of the rose apple tree. The eye would get protected from the damage due to free radicals by the presence of vitamin C in rose apples..

Promotes brain health:
It is true that our brain health would become good by consuming rose apples that have got terpenoids in them. By this we could avoid getting affected with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease etc. our memory power and learning ability would get boosted. This would be possible by promoting neuronal survival.

Good for bone health:
Our bones would get strengthened if we eat rose apples. We could be free from bone related issues like arthritis etc.

Maintains body hydration:
Rose apples have 93perccent of water per 100 gms in them and they could keep us hydrated. It is known that rose apples have various nutrients like magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus etc and these would keep the body healthy.

Controls diabetes:
The glucose levels in us could be managed by the leaf infusion and by the seeds of rose apples. The flavonoids in rose apples increase the anti-oxidative as well as anti-inflammatory properties of rose e apples and it helps in managing diabetes.

Good for heart health:
Our heart health would become better if we consume rose apples that are rich in flavonoids, dietary fibres, minerals etc. The bad cholesterol levels would get lowered due to potassium in the rose apples. It is well known that high bad cholesterol levels are the main reason for heart diseases such as coronary heart disease, strokes etc.

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