Kumari Palany & Co

Say goodbye to head lice with these superb home remedies!!

Posted on: 19/Jul/2022 6:45:30 PM
How will you feel when something crawls on the top of your head and it makes you scratch your head violently? Irritated and embarrassed right!!

If we don`t keep our scalp healthy then we could get head lice. Wingless insects that would spend their total life time on our heads are head lice. By this way, head lies differ from other hematophagic ectoparasites like fleas etc. Point is that both males as well as females could get head lice issues. Mostly in the monsoon season we could get dandruff, hair fall plus head lice etc. The change in weather and high humidity would result in an increase in the head lice manifestation. It is true that different people follow different hair care routines to get rid of head lice.

Various simple remedies that can be done at homes to get rid of head lice issue are

By using neem leaves:

It is important to note that neem leaves are good to treat head lice issues. In the first step some neem leaves are taken and ground to make it into a fine paste. In the next step, the paste is then applied on hairs and after 2 hours the hair must be washed. There would not be hair lice at all by this process. Neem oil can also be used by those with head lice issues.

By using olive oil:

It would be possible to get rid of head lice by using olive oil. It is noteworthy that olive oil is good for the health of hairs. Lice suffocates and would die when olive oil is applied.

By using garlic:

Strong smell along with antibacterial properties would be of huge help in treating head lice problems in a person. In the first step, about 10 garlic cloves are taken and they are ground and tablespoon of lime juice is added. This is made into paste. Then, the paste is applied on the hairs and left for 30 minutes. By using a nit comb, hair lice are removed and the hair is washed with arm water.

By using petroleum jelly:

The lice present on the head can also be removed by using petroleum jelly. It must be noted that the grease in petroleum jelly would suffocate the lies on the head. After applying petroleum jelly, a person must wash his or her hair many times as jelly would be sticking to the hairs.

By using vinegar:

One of the effective home remedies that can be used to remove head lice is by using vinegar. It is advised to use distilled vinegar. In the first step, vinegar is applied on the hairs and is left for some time. Next, a comb is used to remove the lice. Finally, the hairs are rinsed welell with lukewarm water.