Kumari Palany & Co

Experiencing falling hair? No problem!! Try this!

Posted on: 20/Jul/2022 5:14:46 PM
Here are some simple tips to prevent falling hair!

There are so many aspects of our day-to-day lifestyle!

Let us muse over - How does our intake of food protect our hair? How do we change our diet system to facilitate hair growth?

Though it is normal to lose 1 or 2 strands of hair every day,! But when branches of hair keep falling, it is time to pay attention and take remedial action!

Tips to prevent hair fall!
  • Use only shampoos that are free from perfume (scent) and free from paraffin.
  • After the shampoo bath, you may use the hair conditioner.
  • Avoid frequent straightening of hair or frequent use of hair dryer!
  • There may be many reasons for falling hair! Failure of proper maintenance may lead to accumulation of dust/dirt and dandruff issues!
  • Even lack of nutritious diet may lead to ill-health of hair and then hair-fall!
  • In earlier times, people used to prepare hair oil products in their homes! Among the ingredients used by them in their hair-health products, are black cumin seeds and fenugreek seeds! Using these 2 ingredients and preparing hair conditioner will bring falling hair problems under control!
  • Guava leaves are rich in Vitamin C and will help keep the hair dense and grow faster! Guava leaves are rich in Vitamin B and Vitamin C. As guava l; leaves have the chemical property to resist bacteria and viruses, this is the right remedy for healthy hair and also preventing dandruff!
  • By massaging the hair with guava leaves, the blood circulation in the scalp increases! This will facilitate the nutrients reaching the root of the hair! It will also keep the hair healthy!