Kumari Palany & Co

Be careful!! Never eat these foods along with radish as they could result in health issues!!

Posted on: 28/Oct/2022 6:33:08 PM
Known as `Mulangi` in `Tamil` language and `Moolee` in `Hindi` language, radish is an edible root vegetable. Radish belongs to the family Brassicaceae is well known. Rich in minerals like iron, calcium and potassium plus others like antioxidants, vitamins A,B and C etc we can get numerous health benefits by eating radish. These are reduction in BP, reduced risks of heart diseases, improves blood flow etc. It is worthy to mention here that radish must not be consumed in combination with certain foods as it could lead to some health issues in us.

Various foods along with radish must not be consumed are

Avoid combination of radish and milk:
Never drink milk after eating radish and this is due to the fact that radish would provide warmth to the body and with milk we could get heartburn, acid reflux and stomach pain etc. It is advised to give atleast 2 hours gap between intake of milk and radish.

Avoid combination of cucumber and radish:
It is important to note that we must never consume cucumber along with radish. This is mainly because of the presence of ascorbate present in cucumber that would act to absorb vitamin C.

Avoid combination of orange and radish:
Our heath would get severely affected when we consume radish with oranges. It is really shocking to note that this combination would act as poison. We could get stomach issues plus other health issues too. So, take care.

Avoid combination of bitter gourd and radish:
Not many of us would know that the combination of radish and bitter gourd could be dangerous for our health. It is believed that the natural elements present in bitter gourd and radish would act with each other and spoil the health. There are possibilities that we might get breathing issues and the heart might also get affected.

Avoid combination of tea and radish:
We could get issues like constipation and acidity when we consume tea and radish together. This is because radish is cool in nature and tea is warm in nature. They are totally opposite to each other and incompatible.  So, please be careful.

Important note:
We must not eat too much of radish because it would lead to issues like dehydration etc.  We would lose water from the body through urine mostly. This would make us go to the bathroom frequently. It is necessary to drink lots of water while eating radish as this would prevent dehydration.