Kumari Palany & Co

Pregnant women must avoid these household chores to be free from pregnancy related complications!!

Posted on: 29/Oct/2022 6:09:45 PM
Nothing could give more joy and happiness for a pregnant woman than delivering her baby without complications!!

The bitter truth is that not all married women would become pregnant. Hence, it is highly important that a pregnant woman take care of her health and the health of her baby growing in her womb. For that, she must eat certain well balanced foods. Many times, pregnant women would indulge in certain household activities and face issues later on.

It is not necessary to  just sit idle all the time without doing any activity when pregnant. Point is that the pregnant woman must be cautious about her womb carrying her baby and do only those activities that would not cause any harm to her and her baby.

There are certain household chores that every pregnant woman must avoid  to be free form pregnancy related complications. These are

Not to do activities like carrying heavy weights etc:
A pregnant woman in her first trimester must compulsorily avoid any activity that would involve lifting heavy objects etc. Doing this would increase the risk of back injury and excess strain. During pregnancy, a woman would have more chances of getting injuries and that is due to the fact that the hormonal changes would make the tough tissues in joints and pelvis etc to become loose leading to unnecessary injuries.

Not to do activities that needs to stand for longer time:
Pregnant women must try to avoid any activity that requires standing for a long time. It is worthy to note that the pregnant woman must follow this advice  as many pregnant women suffer from morning sickness or fatigue etc. Truth is that when a pregnant woman stands for a long time then she could get swelling in her legs plus back pain etc. Hence, a pregnant woman must take breaks in between while cooking etc.

Not to do activities that needs bending:
Household chores like mopping, washing clothes, floor cleaning etc must be totally avoided by the pregnant woman. During pregnancy, a woman would gain weight and this would cause a marginal shift in the centre of gravity of her body. This would make the bending during pregnancy dangerous for the sciatic nerve.

Not to do activities like climbing and balancing etc:
While pregnant, the woman is advised not to climb a ladder or a stool as it could be dangerous for her. Fact is that extra weight (due to the baby in the womb) could affect coordination and throw her off balance. It could lead to issues like pre term labour or premature placental separation etc. Pregnant women must get proper assistance from others while doing these.

Not use harsh chemicals:
The development of the fetal brain would be affected when a pregnant woman uses chemicals like piperonyl chloride based insecticides. It is advised to refrain from  insecticides and other cleaning products etc to be free from pregnancy related complications. When shopping for groceries, pregnant women must look out for natural products that would be free from toxic or harsh chemicals etc.

Not to do activities like cleaning fans etc:
Even when a woman is not pregnant, she must refrain from doing this activity as it is very risky. Pregnant women would have more chances of falling from the stool or ladder while cleaning the ceiling fans and therefore must avoid it.