Kumari Palany & Co

Foods that make you super-heroes

Posted on: 10/Apr/2014 5:56:36 PM

As you open your eyes towards the dawn, it’s the flash of ‘Health and Fitness’ that you keep hearing. The endorsements on television channels and postcard ads keep you so much puzzled on what’s the best treat to your heart, kidneys and internal cabinet. Especially, if you’re someone beyond 40, the phase where you have to avoid 3Ws (Whites) – Milk, Rice & Medicines, which is quite inevitable specifically the third one, this article should really keep you engrossed. And guess what? These food items would make you the real life superheroes with a long and healthy life that may span more than you envisaged. Well, you need not get ready for a complicated pursuit of these food elements as it is available everywhere around your place in all supermarkets and roadside vegetable hubs.

Kale – This should be an alien to many if you’re located geographically down the south. But it is referred as the ‘paradisiacal gift’ by many health experts. This is considered as the greatest cancer fighter. Alas! It’s really appalling to see that many are suffering from this luxurious disease of cancer and this food will help you so much to keep away from it. It consists of Vitamin A that enlivens the skin and eyes followed by a strong structuring of Immune system. Consuming a cup of Kale offers the same quantity of Vitamin C as a couple of whole oranges yields. 

Sardines – Apart from the fact that it’s going to offer a beautiful glow to your skins for its Omega-3 fat value, Sardines stand out as the best elements of reviving your energy and they’re fondly called as mood boosters. What makes this fish so unparalleled is that unlike other fishes, they don’t consume usual foods in oceanic life so it remains away from poisonous ingredients. They are also rich in means of Vitamin D.

Pomegranate – Everyone knows about the healing power of this jelly in pearl like fruit that offers the most revitalising factors your immune system. They are so much prosperous to your body that it saves your tissues from the ‘Satanic constituents’. Acclaimed as the best pal to HEART, you can keep away from any diseases by regularly consuming this one. Just go for one full cup of fruit and you’ll have the stream of purified blood flowing through your veins.

Oatmeal – Of course, this is the most fascinating and easily affordable thing that can keep your health so much great. As known to everyone, this can control sugar levels in your body to a greater extent.

Quinoa – Perhaps, this might little sound like an alien to you and many doctors might not refer this food. But it consists of good fiber, protein capsuled as a grarain. It takes not less than 30 minutes to cook this and even a small consumption can give a heavy meal effect, but with the package of less calorie.

Kefir – This is yet again an uncommon food that might have not seen it until and unless they are avid shopaholics of super markets and malls. It is almost a kind of Yoghurt that gives a supply of good calcium. We recommend you to go for some flavours that come in packed cups. In fact, you can browse some catchy recipes that you can consume Kefir in a mix of milkshake or smoothies.

Lentils – These are so much acquainted to our every food pattern. They are commonly found everywhere in retail, wholesale and super markets and they are available at good budgets. Far-famed for possessing good level of Fiber and Proteins, they are good contents of folate as well. 

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