Kumari Palany & Co

Scientists’ great achievement: an electronic (artificial) heart without beat sounds!

Posted on: 16/Mar/2015 2:52:24 PM
Australian scientists have invented an electronic heart which can be operated by a device.

This heart does not beat. However, it can ensure uniform blood circulation all over the human/animal body.

Dr. Daniel Timms, from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, has designed this artificial heart.

He has successfully completed experiments of the good performance of the heart by fixing it in a goat.

Dr. Daniel started his research in 2001 at Queensland Technology University.

The heart has been named ‘BIVACOR’.

The artificial electronic heart has a blade disk. This rotates at a speed of 2000 revolutions per minute and pumps blood to the parts of the body without beating.

During last January, expert surgeons from Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne conducted successful surgeries by removing the original heart of the sheep and replacing it with this artificial heart.

They are confident that this surgery can be done on humans also. It has been announced that the experiments on human beings will be conducted in 3 years.