Kumari Palany & Co

People looking for adventure and the outdoors for exercise

Posted on: 24/Aug/2015 10:27:39 AM
Experts now recommend that people hit the outdoors for their workout, instead of staying inside the gym. The trend of getting away for the weekend is picking up across the country. India follows in the footsteps of countries like Australia and Sri Lanka that have adventure hotspots for tourists. 

Says an enthusiast, (my husband and I) have just completed a 12-day coast-to-coast walk across England. We were walking for eight hours a day along with our backpacks. It was raining, it was windy, the ground was slippery but we covered 228.5 km, from the Irish Sea to the North Sea. My knee was busted and we also suffered from blisters. But it was such a beautiful experience. It was also a spiritual detox because such outdoor activities kickstart metabolism like nothing else. Also, I love travelling. So, we got best of both worlds. (We) go overseas every few months to feed their appetite for adventure. This year, I`ve already been to Machu Picchu, into the Amazon, to the Angkor Wat temple complex, cycled from Prague to Budapest. Gymming is convenient, but it doesn`t change you as a person. Outside, you`re more in sync with nature. It helps you understand the world better and better yet, I found my trips helping me professionally... with new ideas and better strategies.

Cycling is another trend that is fast becoming popular. One such person who began cycling for adventure 4 years ago says, (I am) so passionate about cycling that recently, (I) rode through nine countries across Europe — starting from Italy and ending up in the Netherlands. It was exhausting as we rode through the Italian, Austrian and Swiss Alps. At one point, we were cycling at 7,850 feet. But it was an experience of a lifetime. 

Famous movie stars are also joining the bandwagon. An actress, who recently rode a charity bicycle rode said that, Whenever I am home in Chennai, I go surfing. In fact, I went to Sri Lanka, just to surf, for three days. A major downside to all this is the tanning so I literally have to bathe in sunscreen before stepping out. Outdoor activities are thrilling and a great way to stay fit. They test your willpower and endurance because once you get off that bike after riding 25 km, your butt will be burning and your legs are screaming in pain. But you go on, because you’ll soon grow to love that pain.

Trekking is another option for those looking for outdoor adventure. A lady who went trekking in Bandipur recently said, Small lifestyle changes can go a long way. Walk. Park your cars far away. Don`t be lazy. Take the stairs. And don`t aim to be size zero. Instead, eat healthy. Play those outdoor sports because your body wants to do the right thing.

Experts who have adventure clubs say, (There is) a certain natural connect between humans and the great outdoors. It`s actually in our DNA to connect with nature. Our system inside loves nature. Moreover, when you have a stressful life, you want your focus to change from gadgets to the greens. On these trips, you meet all kinds of people and there`s always an element of surprise, which you won`t find in a gym.