Kumari Palany & Co

These are the important foods for our lungs to be healthy

Posted on: 25/Jun/2018 9:39:10 AM
Like brain, heart, kidneys etc lungs are also important organs present in us and they are present on either sides of the heart. The lungs play a vital role of extracting oxygen from the atmosphere and transfer it to the bloodstream. Then from the blood stream it releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Many respiratory issues like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia etc attack us are known. So maintaining the health of our lungs is very important.

There are certain foods that could be consumed by us so that our lungs could be hale and healthy.

Apples intake:  The presence of phenolic compounds and flavanoids in apples are simply superb and these play a huge role in reducing inflammation in the air passageway. It is said that by drinking apple juice daily we are less likely to get wheezing issue.

Consumption of fishes like salmon etc:  Lowering the inflammation of the lungs could be possible by the presence of omega 3 fatty acids in salmon etc. Hence intake of salmon plus others like mackerel, sardines etc are important for our lungs.

Olive oil intake: It is well known that this olive oil provides us many health benefits due to the mono saturated as well as poly saturated fats in it. Health risks associated with air pollution is fought effectively by olive oil. These health risks are impaired blood vessels plus increased blood pressure.

Green tea consumption: The antioxidant named quercetin present in the green tea is amazing and acts as a natural antihistamine. It is known that histamine causes allergic symptoms in us and release of this histamine is slowed down by green tea.

Intake of seeds: For those having asthma issues in them it is important that they must have the mineral magnesium. For this mineral intake of seeds like flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds etc are tremendous.

Garlic is superb:  Studies have shown that by consuming garlic elimination of toxins plus carcinogens could be possible. The presence of flavonoids in garlic stimulates the production of gluthathione and this plays great role in proper functioning of the lungs.

Consumption of ginger: Inflammation in our body is reduced by this ginger that has got superb anti-inflammatory properties in it. Detoxification of lungs and elimination of pollutants in lungs are possible by ginger intake. Lung health gets improved as ginger relieves congestion plus unclogs air passages etc.

Cayenne pepper intake: Protection of mucous membranes in the upper and lower respiratory tract is possible by cayenne pepper. Hence it is good to consume cayenne pepper.