Kumari Palany & Co

Do you know why sometimes our urine is dark in colour?

Posted on: 25/Jun/2018 9:44:20 AM
As a liquid by-product in humans, urine flows from kidneys to urinary bladder through ureters. Urine is produced in the kidneys and this urine is pale yellow in colour. Sometimes urine becomes dark in colour also and the colour varies from deep yellow to maroon. When urine become dark in us we must show high concern and enough care must be taken.

Concentrated or dark coloured urine indicates the presence of unnecessary toxins and waste that is circulating in our body.

These are the various reasons why sometimes our urine becomes dark in colour.

Dehydration: This is one main reason for our urine to be dark in colour. It must be noted that the lack of body fluids leads to issues like dry mouth plus dark urine, fatigue etc. This problem could be overcome by drinking lots of water etc.

Liver disease: Liver disease is indicated by the presence of brownish coloured urine. It is known that when the old red blood cells breakdown bilirubin is produced. The presence of a liver disease produces bilirubin in excess amounts. Urine gets brownish coloured when this liquid combines with bile present in the liver.

Presence of gallstones:  This is also one reason why the urine is dark coloured. These gallstones create problems when they block the duct of the gallbladder. This results in severe pain in us plus dark coloured urine also.

Jaundice: Darker urine is seen in those who have jaundice which is a liver disease. Persons with this jaundice have yellow eyes, yellow skin and dark yellow urine. Excessive bile pigment is the reason for the dark yellow urine.

Effect of some foods: Sometimes we consume beets and blackberries etc. Then our urine becomes pinkish in colour. Urine becomes brownish coloured when we consume aloe and fava beans. Urine turns orange coloured when we consume vitamin C.