Kumari Palany & Co

Stress could be due to these habits, take care

Posted on: 10/Jan/2020 6:17:28 PM
Stress could affect our health in many ways like increasing the risk of heart diseases, leading to weight gain, result in diabetes, depression, GI issues, skin issues, hair fall etc. Therefore, it is important that we must get rid of this stress for our lives to be good and peaceful. There are few foods that could be eaten to curb stress and these are milk, green vegetables, green tea, oat meals, asparagus, cashew nuts , chocolates  etc.

There are few habits that might result in stress in us. These are

Over thinking:
This is one common habit that many of us have. Even for small issues, we spend lot of time thinking about it and this could lead to stress. Getting rid of unnecessary thoughts from the mind is very important. The over thinking could cause disturbance sin day to day functioning also. Please take care.

Lack of sleep:
For the body to function properly, it is necessary that we must have sound sleep. The lack of sleep could result in stress. By having sound sleep, we could get rid of stress.

Not being organised:
Keeping things in order is important and this could help us to avoid stress. It is revealed that staying messy and unorganised could lead to unnecessary stress. By organising the desk at the end of the day we could find the things at right place.

Too much dependent on mobile phone:
When it comes to the usage of mobile phones, we must set some limits and using too much mobile phone could lead to stress. It is advised that we must turn off the notifications of the mobile phone, check the phone only when it is required and not always.