Kumari Palany & Co

Why would eating pomegranate be wonderful for our health?

Posted on: 26/Oct/2022 5:12:41 PM
Sour and sweet to taste with red thick skin, pomegranate is a fruit bearing deciduous shrub and it belongs to the family named Lythraceae. They are seen growing in the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, north and tropical Africa etc. Pomegranates have several ingredients like folates, vitamin C, proteins, fats, sugars, fibres, minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus etc.

It is essential to consume pomegranates as it would provide us with numerous health benefits.

Various health benefits of eating pomegranates are

Lowers risk of cancer:
Along with heart attack and kidney failure, cancer is another reason for many deaths across the world. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that would prevent free radicals from harming the cells. It is true that by eating this fruit we could avoid various cancers in breast, lung, prostata, colon etc.

Rich in antioxidants:
Our body cells would get protection from free radicals with the help of antioxidants is well known. Truth is that free radicals are present in the body but excessive amounts could lead to toxicity in us.

Boosts heart health:
The polyphenols present in pomegranates would improve heart health to a huge extent. By eating pomegranates, the BP would get lowered plus  oxidative stress would get reduced. Inflammation in the arteries would also be lowered. There would not be any formation of plaque.

Lowers risk of kidney stones:
It has been revealed by a research study that pomegranate extracts would  prevent the formation of kidney stones in us. It is noteworthy that pomegranates would control the blood levels of oxalates etc.

Manages cholesterol levels:
By eating pomegranate, our LDL or low density  lipoprotein or bad cholesterol would get lowered and HDL or high density lipoprotein of good cholesterol would become more.  By this, the risk of getting heart attacks and strokes etc would be lowered.

Reduces inflammation:
Persistent inflammation could always lead to severe issues in us and is a cause for concern. It is necessary to treat inflammation or else it might lead to chronic illness like type-2 diabetes, heart issues,cancer etc. The chronic inflammation would get lowered when we consume pomegranate juice etc.

Has antibacterial properties:
It must be noted that pomegranate compounds might help fight harmful microorganisms like bacteria, fungi etc. By figighting against the germs present in the mouth, we could be free from  bad breath and tooth decay issues etc.

Improves brain health:
Inflammation and oxidative stress etc would lead to ailments in the brain. It is true that by consuming pomegranates the brain would get protection from ailments. By lowering the oxidative stress and boosting the brain cell survival,  ellagitannins present in this fruit would prevent the onset of Alzheimer`s Disease and Parkinson`s disease etc. Pomegranate intake could also help us to recover from brain damage etc.

Good for digestive health:
Healthy gut bacteria is promoted and inflammation of the digestive tract would be lowered when we consume pomegranate. It must be noted that the arils rich in fibres would serve as fuel for probiotics and prevent certain digestive issues.