Kumari Palany & Co

Causes of pain in the neck

Posted on: 04/Dec/2017 3:56:02 PM
Until 25 years ago, the complaint, known as Cervical Spondylosis or neck-pain, was affecting only the senior citizens.

However, in the present days, this has started affecting even the youngsters.

The main reason for the neck-pain is the tissues in the neck part getting fatigued. When they are fatigued, they cannot hold the neck in an upright position. This discomfort is the neck-pain.

Carrying a rather heavy load on the head, keeping the neck in a single position for long periods, lead to the neck pain complaint.

Neck-pain may also be caused by reasons such as the deterioration bones in the neck and the bone swelling and pressing the nerves in the adjacent areas.

Generally, the neck tissues start deteriorating at the age of 40. However, in the present age, it starts earlier at younger ages. The main reason is that most persons attend to their works in sitting postures for long durations.

One of the typical examples is working on the computer systems. Also, habits such as watching TV for hours together, reading in lying posture, watching TV in lying posture. Sleeping while keeping the neck in skewed positions, stacking pillows under the head while sleeping, long hours of travel, and sleeping while sitting definitely lead to neck pain.

Nowadays, most of the riders, while driving/riding 2-wheelers, tend to talk on the cell phones. Keeping the neck in a slanted position. This is a wrong trend and will lead to neck pain. Especially, while driving on the roads full of heaps and holes.

The disease can be confirmed by checks after taking neck X-ray, CT scan, or MRI scan. The neck-pain in the initial stages can be cured by ointments and tablets. However, if the neck-pain persists, wearing a neck-band as per the doctor’s advice, wearing a traction on the neck, and physiotherapy treatment may help cure.

Depending on the severity of the condition, it may sometimes require surgery. For this, it is better to consult the expert doctors on bones and nerves.

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