Mothers are highly concerned about their baby’s health and they always worry about their baby fed less. Sometimes it becomes an obsession that mothers overfed their babies. Many first time mothers have tough time in knowing how much their babies need to be fed. It is said that sleeping and eating habits of the baby could leave the mothers confused regarding the appropriate amount of feeding. There are many mothers who use feeding bottle to feed their babies and these mothers end up over feeding their little ones. It is necessary to know about the signs so that mothers could avoid over feeding their babies.
These below mentioned indications or signs show that you are over feeding your baby.
Weight gain:
Mothers sometimes feel happy and proud when their babies look chubby when compared to other babies of similar age. They are not aware of the fact that their baby is actually obese or over weight. The babies also need certain amount of weight increase as they are growing. When a baby is overfed the baby takes in more calories than needed and are unable to burn excess calories. This could result in weight gain in the little ones. The weight gain is one of the sign that shows that baby is over fed but relying on this weight gain alone for overfeeding is not advisable.
Presence of foul smelling motions or poop:
When the baby is fed normally then the baby’s poop would be peanut butter kind of pasty look and the colour of the poop could be greenish brown or yellow. When the baby is overfed then the baby would have runny motions too often and would be foul smelling.
Presence of excessive gas:
It must be taken into account that when the baby’s gut is overwhelmed due to over feeding then gas is produced. The gas shows that the baby is unable to digest the additional amounts of feed. Cholic and continuous crying would be present due to excessive gas formation.
Milk regurgitation:
Sometimes the baby would turn his or her head away from the bottle when it is fed. It is said that if spitting is accompanied by this head turning away from the bottle then it shows that the baby is overfed.
Presence of wet napkins:
One important point to note is having atleast 4 wet diapers everyday could indicate that the baby is getting enough milk and water. As the baby grows the bladder retention ability increases and this could reduce the wetting of the napkins. If more than 8 diapers are wetted by the baby everyday then it is clear that the baby is overfed.
Presence of excessive belching:
This is also one important sign that shows that the baby is overfed. Sometimes babies belch even before we pat their back then it shows that babies are overfed or fed more than the required. This excessive belching takes place due to excessive air that gets swallowed. It is revealed that when the baby eats more than they need then they gulp more air than they otherwise do.