Kumari Palany & Co

Is it good to nurse your baby in side lying position

Posted on: 04/Sep/2019 3:39:34 PM
Parenting is not as easy as you may think. Following all the vigorous efforts and patience all through pregnancy, as you give birth to your little one, the mother and the father would naturally be overwhelmed and feel on cloud nine. Especially the mother feels on top of the world and assumes utmost responsibility. You may think the journey ends here and baby care is all simple! But certainly not. The journey in fact, begins at this point with all your efforts to nurse the baby and take complete care all the 24*7.

As mothers start their breastfeeding journey with the child, they will be bound to sit for long hours and hold the baby intact with utmost care. This eventually exhausts the mom and hence a lot of them prefer to nurse their baby in lying down position. Though it is not the most convenient option, for mothers who are totally sleep deprived, nursing in lying down position is a helpful choice.

Is it okay to breastfeed your baby in the position?

Breastfeeding in lying down position is often called reclining position. As you feed the baby in this position, the baby will be facing you directly as the baby itself will be on the sides. For better latching, it is necessary that you position the baby’s face close to your breast. This is a convenient position, particularly for babies that get easily irritated with the milk flow. For women with large breast size, the reclined position will be of extra help.

For mothers, this is truly a relaxation and a boom, as they need not get strain or pain in the neck or back or arm areas. According to lactation experts, breastfeeding in this position may get a lot of different comments. It is also to be noted that mothers who have got the C-section done will find difficulties in sitting erect. For such women, this side lying position to breastfeed is ideal.

To get the knack of breastfeeding, one can definitely try this position in the initial stages. At the same time, the new mother should also be aware of the fact that the baby should be able to drink the milk without affecting the lungs. When the milk flow is high, there are possibilities of swallowing too heavily that it may impact the lungs. Also the baby may feel difficult to breathe when you have forgotten to take the breasts off and fall asleep without removing.

Whether to follow side lying or not?

Yes, of course, you can, but care should be taken that the baby is safe and secured while getting nursed that way. The mother should position herself and her breasts such that the baby finds it comfortable to suck in the milk while at the same time there is no difficulty to breathe. In case of babies who have already got breathing troubles, it is better that you practice other different positions than the side lying method.

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