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A better understanding on insomnia

Posted on: 19/May/2014 9:39:03 AM
Are you one who is finding hard to have a good night sleep irrespective of however tired you are? Or, do you wake up frequently during your sleep and lie awake for couple of hours? Then you may be at a risk of insomnia, one of the health troubles that is getting popular in the recent years. It would have its impact on your energy level, health issues, ability to perform your daily activities, etc. In chronic conditions, you may even face very serious health issues.

But, certainly, this piece of info should bring a sigh of relief in you – you definitely have a cure and remedy to mark an end to your sleepless nights.

Causes of insomnia:

First of all, it is necessary to know the possible causes of insomnia. Stress, anxiety, depression, etc are among the major causes. However, there are other factors that influence your sleep. To name a few: your habits during day time, sleeping pattern, physical strength, etc. By knowing the basic causes of insomnia, you may get it cured easily.

Ask the following questions to yourself and gather answers for each of the following:

·         Do you find yourself being stressful?
·         Is a feel of emotion or hopelessness surrounding you all the time?
·         Are you worried about lot of things around you and feel anxious?
·         Did you have any traumatic experience recently?
·         Are you under any medication that may affect your sleep?
·         Are you suffering from any health issue that might affect you sleep?
·         Do you have your environment quiet and calm in your sleeping room?
·         Are you exposed to sunlight during day time and darkness at night?
·         Do you got to bed for sleep at the same time on all days?

Get to know the answers for the above questions and you’ll find the underlying reason that induces insomnia.

Cure for insomnia:
As a cure to insomnia, it is commonly recommended to get exposed to sunshine during day time, have a glass of warm milk before going to bed, avoid using mobile phones in the evening, etc. There are few more unique tips which are as follows:

  • Do not watch TV or use computer or smartphone in your bedroom. Use it only for sleeping
  • Never force yourself to sleep. If you find hard to sleep, just get out of f your bed. Turning back and front will and trying to sleep forcefully keep your anxiety level elevated and will not help you sleep in any way. At those times, relax yourself by reading, having a cup of tea (caffeine-free), listen to your favorite tunes, etc. Got to bed only when you feel sleepy again.
  • Watching the clock anxiously will keep you tensed. So, quit the habit of watching the clock every time in the middle of night.
  • Keep your mind calm and free. You can achieve this by practicing yoga or meditation in a daily basis.
  • Practice muscle relaxation methods. Tighten your body muscles and keep it tightened for about 10 seconds. Following this, give it a slow relaxation. This will relax your entire body.
Follow these practices and be stress-free. You’d naturally fall asleep without any trouble.
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