Kumari Palany & Co

You tend to order pizzas of high calories online, study

Posted on: 10/Aug/2015 8:27:37 AM
Do you love ordering delicious pizza online? That`s better to stop this practice right now, as a new study claims that people get tempted to order fattier and high calorie item online than eating outside.

The research was conducted by University of Toronto, Duke University and the National University of Singapore. The research involved studying orders of about 56,000 individuals who placed about 1,60,000 pizza orders. According to the study results, orders placed online either through computers or smartphones included 3.5 percent more calories with additional instructions of about 14 percent as compared to orders placed at shops directly or through phone. These special instructions were of the kind `hold the mayo`, `extra cheese`, etc.

The study clearly indicates that in orders placed online, not just the prize is high, but the orders are of very high calories, especially in orders placed for pizza. Furthermore, in all online orders, people adhere to social norms lesser as they need not face anyone directly.
The study result was published in the Journal of Management Science.