Kumari Palany & Co

Excessive sodium intake to result in Multiple Sclerosis

Posted on: 10/Aug/2015 8:47:19 AM
According to a new study, diet rich in sodium content will influence the immune cells of body and give rise to increased risk of the development of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Nevertheless the impact of sodium in giving rise to the disease, there are other factors such as the individual`s genetic background, environmental factors, that largely influence to the development of this complex disease.

Dimitry N Krementsov, a researcher from the Department of Medicine, Immunobiology Program at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont involved in the study said a comprehensive understanding of the study to find out how and why the environmental factors influence the individual`s genetic makeup will give rise to this autoimmune disease.
The study was made on three mice each of which were of varied genetic groups. They were fed with high salt diet. Following this, the mice were induced with a disease that mimics human MS.

In one genetic group, increased signs of the disease were seen in males and females who were fed with high salt diet. In the other group, such negative responses to salt were observed only in females, whereas in the third genetic group, there was no response to the salt. Here, the critical factor is genetics of these mice.

No changes in functioning of immune cells was found with the mice that remained with no response to salt. However, weaker blood-brain barrier was observed.

Speaking about this, Geralt Weissmann, Editor in chief of FASE journal said our body requires enough salt for functioning properly, however excessive amounts is not good.

This study report is helpful in knowing what can possibly go wrong with an individual with the gene in giving rise to autoimmune diseases. The right amount of salt required for the body can be known too.