Kumari Palany & Co

How to get rid of wrinkles around eyes?

Posted on: 10/Aug/2015 8:53:42 AM
Tissues and skin around our eyes is so sensitive and soft. These are prone to dryness very easily. One can indulge in practices of getting rid of wrinkles around eyes right at the age of 25.

·         Applying eye cream of eye oil can be preferred

·         The area around your eye can be given a gentle massage with the ring finger

·         You should not rub your eyes when it’s itching as it will lead to wrinkles very easily

·         Use of Badam oil or anti-wrinkling cream will fetch good betterment from wrinkles. Apply it with ring finger and give it a gentle massage. Wipe the massaged area after massaging

·         Boil tea powder and filter the water. Dip a cotton ball in this liquid and massage your eyes with this cotton. Practice it every day for best results