Kumari Palany & Co

Do you know about these reasons that can cause stomach pain after eating foods??

Posted on: 28/Mar/2022 9:33:04 AM
In some people, their stomach would start to ache after eating foods. If the pain occurs rarely then it is not an issue at all. If the stomach pain occurs frequently after eating foods, then the person must consult a doctor. It is true that when a person is very hungry then his or her stomach growls and hurts and after eating food, this stomach ache would go away. An underlying health issue might be the reason why your stomach would ache after you eat food.

Various reasons for stomach ache after consuming foods are

Over eating is considered as the most important reason for post meal stomach ache. Too much food intake could cause stomach pain. For eating one or two cups of food only there is space in the stomach and beyond that the stomach would expand to make space for extra food. By this, the person would have stomach discomfort and pain etc.

Fast eating:
It is believed that by eating food faster we would swallow extra air also. This might lead to stomach pain in us. We would have bloating and gas formation when the extra food reaches the stomach. Point is that this would make the stomach look big and we would have discomfort. Finally, our body might not be able to absorb the much needed nutrients.

We could get indigestion issues when we consume foods like coffee, alcohol, spicy and citric foods etc.  Truth is that these foods might make it harder for the body to digest the food and convert into glucose. This would make us feel bloated and nauseated etc. In some people indigestion issues might be due to an underlying issue like EPS or epi-gastric pain syndrome or due to postprandial distress syndrome or PDS.

Small hard crystal-like products that are formed in the gallbladder are gallstones. Factors such as too much cholesterol in the bile plus abnormal gallbladder functioning etc could result in the formation of crystals. It is worthy to mention here that when the person (with gallstones) eats food then his or her stomach would start to hurt. This would be mainly when the food is high in fat content. There are also possibilities of getting inflammation due to the gallbladder pain.

Food intolerance:
Some foods might not be accepted by our stomach and intake of such foods could lead to issues like diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach cramps etc. When the body is unable to digest certain ingredients from the food then we would have a food intolerance issue. Body would trigger a reaction when we consume these foods and then we could have stomach based issues. Various food intolerances we could have in our lives are gluten based, dairy foods based, caffeine based, salicylates based, fructose based etc.

Celiac disease or digestive disorder:
This could also be responsible for the stomach pain after eating food. It must be noted that when the body has an immune response to gluten then we could have celiac disease which is a digestive disorder.