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Nutrient food items required for brain!

Posted on: 10/Jun/2015 11:45:43 AM
Just like any other part of the human body, brain also requires essential nutrients for healthy growth and functioning.

The category of ‘glucose’ is an essential ingredient required for the brain.

Glucose obtained from whole grains offers the correct quantity of required by the brain and supplies the required energy.

Fish is one of the items good for the brains. Non-vegetarians can take it. Fish contains Omega-3 which is essentially required by the brain.

Tomato contains the nutrient Lycopane which offers excellent protection for the brain tissues. Hence, remember to add tomato in your regular diet!

Take B-complex & other vitamins as advised by your doctor.

Taking 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds provides the ingredient ‘Zinc’ which is one of the essential nutrients required by the brain. It acts as a catalyst stimulating creative thinking.

Remember to include green vegetables like broccoli, also known as green cauliflower regularly in your diet. This is rich in vitamin ‘K’ which helps increase the concentration factor in the brain.

Kernels, greens, green vegetables, and whole rice are excellent food for healthy brain. They are rich in vitamin ‘E’.

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