Kumari Palany & Co

Physical activity in kids helps fighting insulin resistance, research

Posted on: 08/Aug/2015 9:00:54 AM
Got a kid below 13 years of age? It`s high time for you, as a parent, to trigger your kid for exercising. Physical activity during early ages will largely reduce the incidence of Type-2 diabetes in future. According to a study conducted by the University of Exeter, adolescent insulin resistance can be largely fought back by indulging in physical activities right during formative years. Physical activities will bring down the risk factor of type 2 diabetes when the kid attains his teenage and the body will enjoy all the benefit of exercising during 16 years of age.

Insulin resistance is the condition that leads to high levels of blood sugar. Scientists measured this insulin resistance. In active adolescents at age 13, the possibility of incidence of diabetes was lower by 17 percent. This difference in likeliness however reduced in the next three years and almost disappeared by the age of 16.

There is a drastic increase in insulin resistance between ages 9 and 13. It then falls back at the age 16. Good amount of physical activity had huge impact on insulin resistance between 9 and 13 years of age, but not at 16.