Kumari Palany & Co

Health Benefits of Ginger

Posted on: 08/Aug/2015 10:24:15 AM
Ginger has been used for centuries in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. This wonder spice has been known to promote energy circulation and also to increase metabolism. 

Ginger is composed of magnesium, zinc and chromium. These minerals help improve blood circulation in the body. It is a natural paracetamol that prevents fevers and chills. Those who suffer from motion sickness may suck on a piece of sweetened or pickled ginger or ginger powder. The same can be used for nausea of any kind, like morning sickness or stomach flu. 

By adding ginger in your daily diet, essential nutrients will be stimulated and absorbed. By this, the pancreatic and gastric enzyme secretion improves in the body. Ginger is a preferred medicine around Asia for cold and flu. Many people believe that a concoction made out of mixing 2 tbsp of freshly chopped or shredded ginger in hot water, drunk two or three times a day, can cure a cold. Ginger is also known to cure bad coughs and throat infections. 

Ginger has properties similar to ibuprofen and aspirin - it reduces inflammation and combats stomach disorders. Researchers say the the occurrence of colon cancer and ovarian cancer is reduced by consuming ginger. Another result of its anti inflammatory properties is that ginger acts as a painkiller.  

Consumption of ginger improves lung health by expanding the lungs. It also loosens up the phlegm. Ginger is used to give relief to those finding difficulty in breathing. Ginger is a big nutrient in improving immunity. It also inhibits the fat deposits in the arteries, thus reducing the occurrence of strokes.