Kumari Palany & Co

How much water is too much water?

Posted on: 08/Aug/2015 10:39:03 AM
Is too much water detrimental? Shockingly, the answer is yes! Excessive drinking of water can lead to swelling of brain, brain injury and in extreme cases a stroke. 

Water toxicity is related to drinking too much water too fast. Here are some cases where this may happen. 

School children and some adults indulge in games where they challenge each other to drinking large quantities of water as quickly as they can. This rapid consumption leads to an imbalance in the body`s natural ability to maintain fluid intake. The brain loses the natural sodium and calcium concentration. A few brain cells may die due to physical compression from the swelling, or from electrolyte and water imbalances. In such cases, fluid enters the brain, which then starts to swell. This may lead to loss of consciousness or seizures.

Many use water as a natural cleanser. While this is valid, the excessive consumption is not recommended. An average person should consume 9 - 12 cups a day. Some conditions such as kidney disease and diabetes needed doctor’s consultation. 

Although thirst is the perfect monitor for water consumption, it may not be the most reliable for athletes, especially after a training session or workout. Professional guidance and advise needs to followed in these cases.