Breast cancer is curable if found at an early stage. Incidentally, since people do not examine themselves, it is also the top killer for women in India. One easy way to make sure is to examine yourself at home. Here’s how.
Keep your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips and stand in front of a mirror. Look keenly at your breasts and try to look out for any dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin; a nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple i.e. pushed inward instead of sticking out, redness, soreness, rash, or swelling.
The next step is to raise your arms and clasp your hands behind your head. Now, press your hands forward and look out for the same symptoms as above. Also, look out for any signs of fluid coming out of your nipples. Fluids could be watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood.
Now lie down and use your right hand to feel your breast. Next, do the same with your left hand on your right breast. Use the first two fingers of your hand and in a circular motion, about the size of a coin; cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side, from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.
Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery, so they like to do this step in the shower. Cover your entire breast, using the same hand movements described above.